Welcome to the virtual headquarters of Farmer McAllister's Thinkn' Machine, the new comedy short by the filmmaking team of Brady Koch and David Hayman. What is a Thinkn' Machine, you ask? Who is this mysterious every-man Farmer McAllister? These answers and more lie within, so make yourself at home, look around and come back often to find out when Farmer McAllister will be violating a city near you. Red #2 is coming…Cover your ass.


FEBRUARY 2, 2002 - A McAllister Valentine Treat

Can't make it to the San Fransico Indi Fest this weekend? Well here's a special Valentine's treat that's only being handed out exclusively to the audience at the San Fran Indi Fest. Auh Love.


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JANUARY 18, 2002 - A New Year With New Festivals

This is a busy next couple months for Farmer McAllister. We'll be playing no less then four festivals in late January thru February, check out all the festival listings here.

We'd also like to thank the San Fransico Independent Film Fest for placing us as the opening short in front of Todd Huges's new film The New Women. Todd's first feature looks like a real treat and we wish him all the luck.

DECEMBER 11, 2001 - The New American Export

Farmer McAllister is headed into the great white north, CANADA!!! Home of such personal heros as John K. and Celine Deon. We'll be screening at the Victoria Film Festival sometime in February.

DECEMBER 10, 2001 - We proudly announce...

Today we recieved our offical Sundance Film Festival rejection letter. I then drank my coffee, moved my bowels and drank more coffee. All in that order. See the letter here.

OLD NEWS - Miss an update? Check out the old updates on our old news page.

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David Hayman

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